Sunday, October 2, 2011

Right or Privilege

   It seems that history has a way of repeating itself. .The federal government can not leave us alone. A RIGHT is not something that is granted by the state or the federal government . A RIGHT is something you have that the government is suppose to recognize . When the government grants you something it is a Privilege not a Right . The government can not grant you a Right .
  The elected representatives of "we the people" do NOT understand or care what the laws and rules are . Most of them have no idea of how this country was founded .They could not even pass a ninth grade civics class . Very few have read our Declaration of Independence,The Constitution and Amendments and The Bill of Rights.
 This was one of the big reasons that we had the War Between the States . There were others, like  Taxation  without Representation . Then there was religion yep, thats right you didn't learn that at public school. Now, yes slavery was a part of it too. But not near as much as what you were taught. The truth was that slavery was on the way out.We will talk about all of that will be another day.We are on something else here for now !
 A judge in Wisconsin has ruled that a citizen does not have a RIGHT to grow and eat whatever foods they want to. His recent decision ; " no plaintiffs ,do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or dairy herd ; no right to consume the milk from their own cow ; no right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer ; no right to produce and consume foods of their choice."

 HOW on earth did this man get his job? How much longer will he have it ? I wonder how much he gets paid . He proved he has not read our founding documents and he has no common sense.


 The people in control of our society are stripping away our liberties and freedoms a little bit more each day.Once upon a time , our founders thought that they were guaranteeing our freedoms by adding a Bill of Rights to our Constitution. But slowly they have been taking them away.
Today you can NOT say whatever you want .If it is heard or read by the wrong person you will have a knock on your door.
Today you can NOT raise your children as you see fit. The Dept. of Children Services will knock on your door and take your kids away.
Today you NO longer have a Right from unreasonable search and seizure.
Today you do NOT have the Right of privacy. You are watched ,tracked ,monitored and recorded. If you use a cell phone or the inter net they have an ear on it.There are cameras on the highways , airports and around town just watching us.
 As I have mentioned above on what food you can not eat , just check the news there are FDA agents all dressed up as swat teams .They are raiding farms because of sales of raw milk. Our state and federal officers are telling us that raw milk is BAD for us ! People have been drinking it for a long time without any problems .
 Our pets have lost out too. Many states and towns are now requiring that all dogs and cats be sterilized and microchipped. Poor Fido has to be fixed just so he can live in town.
 An Arizona man was recently ordered to turn in all of his guns , because of things he had said on his blog about his local town official 's under the table / back room deals. They cried about him to the police dept. I checked out what he had said ,not one thing you could deem as him being a kook or nut case.No threats ,just what he thought was going on with his local town officials.
 Today the US Center for Disease Control [CDC] is promoting propaganda about child immunization .
They are trying to force us to have all of our kids get every shot that they can come up with.They are even trying to get boys to take shots that are just for girls.If the parents don't agree with them they migght just have to call the Dept. of Children Services to come and take away your kids.
 Today you can NOT go to an airport , train station or even a ball game without "enhanced pat down " or X- RAY machines checking you out.Next it will be full body cavity searches . Thanks TSA, what no dinner , movie or kiss ! Not even I'm sorry, just say NEXT. But look at who s next , your wife , mother or daughter .Oh no , the elderly lady from church and she s in a wheel chair. Well then  they will have to do a strip search. she might have a bomb.Never mind that guy with the rag on his head. He can not speak english and he doesn't have any bags either. We don't want to offend him , he's already mad at our country. Someone saw him spit on our flag out front .
 Today our schools are run like prisons. One boy just got hauled out because he told a classmate he didn't like homos [ queers] because the Bible calls it a sin. Well his queer loving teacher heard it and that was too much for him.He was hauled to the office and sent home.
 Is it 1984 ? Is BIG Brother here and watching us ? My friends it is looking more like it is time to take a stand . What side of the line in the sand will you be on ?

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